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Tension and Compression Testing

CMS is ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited for tensile testing. Our facility has four (4) test machines that are dedicated to testing tensile specimens. Of these four test machines, two have a 60,000 lbf maximum load capacity, which are implemented in both tension and compression loading of specimens. These two test machines are the workhorses of the CMS mechanical testing department, as the ultimate tensile strength of most standard tensile specimens lies within the maximum load capacity of these machines. The largest tensile machine at the CMS facility has a 160,000 lbfmaximum load capacity and is implemented in both tension and compression loading of specimens; this machine can perform tensile testing of specimens with an ultimate tensile strength that requires loading above 60,000 lbf, as well as full-size bolt testing.

All of our tensile machines are fit with digital acquisition of testing data. In addition to the tensile frames, CMS also has four additional load cells for lower loads at 10,000 lbf - 1,000 lbf – 100 lbf – 10 lbf.

Tensile testing procedures at the CMS facility are preformed in accordance with ASTM standard specifciations, such as:

  • ASTM E8 (Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials)

  • ASTM A370 (Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products)

  • ASTM B557 (Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing Wrought and Cast Aluminum- and Magnesium-Alloy Products)

  • ASTM F606 (Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets)

Bolt Testing

Full Size Tension Testing Bolts—This testing process is a straight axial tensile testing of the bolt without the use of a controlled testing section (Machined location). The bolt being tested is pulled in the as used condition. To meet the requirements of this test, the bolt shall support a load prior to fracture not less than the minimum tensile strength specified in the product specification for the applicable size, grade, and thread series. These call out can be in straight loads or cross-sectional loads. When testing full size bolts, yield strength and elongation properties are not tested.

Wedge Tension Testing of Bolts—This testing process is to determine the bolt still meets ultimate load requirements of the bolt with placement of a wedge under the bolt head. Wedge angle are dependent on the size of the bolt being tested and is determine in accordance with table 2 of ASTM-F-606.The bolt shall be tension tested to fracture. To meet the requirements of this test, the bolt shall support a load prior to fracture not less than the minimum tensile strength specified in the product specification for the applicable size, grade, and thread series.  

Tension Testing of Machined Test Specimens—This testing process requires the bolt have a controlled section machined in the bolt. Requirements for passing testing of machined location gives all properties of the bolt being tested which includes, Yield Strength, Elongation, and Ultimate Strength. To meet the requirements of this test, the bolt shall meet minimum tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation properties specified in the product specification for the applicable size, grade, and thread series.

Colorado Metallurgical Services, Inc. 10605 E 25th Avenue Aurora, CO 80010 | | Phone: 303-947-6758
© Copyright 2020 Colorado Metallurgical Services, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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